“What people don’t always recognize is that we are all benefiting from the rich cultural diversity. Behind every culture is the influence of our neighboring cultures and on a broader spectrum every culture commonly carries the most humanistic side of us. As a musician, it is my duty to invite all musicians to come together and create art that’s ground-building and celebrates culture. Because, when all else collides, music unites. Instruments, for example, reflect that. String and percussion instruments show that human side of us: our common thread and our heartbeat.” -Sita Chay at Immigrant Arts Coalition
Only Love Art review on Multidimensionally Human ‘When My Exile Sees Me’
Allegro magazine
New York Musical Festival 2017 panel
new music usa
creator development fund award
JOE’s PUB Working group residency
the new york times panel
5 artists sharing their stories as immigrant artists